CREMATIONS OF GREATER TAMPA BAY provides a variety of goods and services for our customers. Our affordable cremation services include: Direct Cremation, Cremation Memorial Service, and Viewing/ Visitation Cremation. Because you may choose only the items you desire, there is bound to be an affordable choice that fulfills the wishes of your loved one. All arrangements include a charge for our basic services and overhead, as described below. Certain legal or other requirements sometimes require specific service items. We will explain the reason for these additional items in writing on the statement we provide describing funeral goods and services.
Listed prices on this website and in our brochures are subject to change without notice. Please also note there may be additional charges for extra expenses and special request items not listed, such as newspaper notices, flowers, outside expenses, etc. CONTACT Cremations of Greater Tampa Bay for your customized estimate.
Contact us for more details!
All Inclusive Direct Cremation
Our charge for a direct cremation includes: basic services of funeral director and staff; a proportionate share of overhead costs; removal of remains; transportation to crematory; refrigeration; alternative container; cremation process; necessary authorizations, permits, cremation container, notifying social security and the medical examiner fee.
Note: There is an additional charge for cremations of the following: individuals 250-400 pounds have a $300.00 added cost; and individuals 400 pounds and up have a $400.00 added cost.
Cremation Memorial Service
Includes everything in the Direct Cremation Package plus use of the chapel for 2 hours and:
– Registry Book
– 50 Photo Memorial Video
– Cherrywood Urn
**$200.00 per additional hour**
Includes everything in the Direct Cremation Package and the Cremation Memorial Service plus embalming, dressing, cosmetics, and rental casket.
**$200.00 per additional hour**
Viewing/Visitation Service with Burial
Includes everything in the previous packages plus transfer from funeral home/church to cemetery.
**DOES NOT include casket.**
**$200.00 per additional hour**
ID VIEW (Regular) $500.00
ID VIEW (from the Medical Examiner) $600.00
Witness Cremation with No ID View $300.00
**NOTE** There is an additional charge for cremations of individuals weighing:
A. 250 lb. to 400 lb. $300.00;
B. 400 lb. and up $400.00)
Ship Out/Removal from State
Includes embalming, transportation, and shipping container.
**DOES NOT include air fare or casket.**
Breakdown of Cremation Services
Our services include conducting the arrangement conference; consulting with family; shelter of remains; preparing and filing necessary notices; obtaining necessary authorizations and permits; and coordinating with the crematory or other third parties. In addition, this fee includes a proportionate share of our basic overhead costs. This fee does not include any charges by newspapers or other publications for any requested notices
we place for you.
**This fee is already included in our direct cremation and service packages. **
Embalming is not required for direct cremations. It is our policy to require refrigeration of an unembalmed body in accordance with Florida State Statutes.
Refrigeration **After 14 days of Included Refrigeration**: $25.00 PER DAY
Transfer of remains from place of death to crematory (within 35-mile radius). Additional distance will be charged at $3.00 per mile. $250.00
Transfer of cremated remains from crematory to site for autopsy or other procedure and return to crematory (within 35-mile radius). Additional distance will be charged at $3.00 per mile. $350.00
Additional Frequently Requested Items
But Not Required
URNS IN INVENTORY: $50.00 – $400.00
CASKETS IN INVENTORY: $1,160.00 – $7,150.00
-Box Set **Printed Materials Available Upon Request at Additional Cost**: $115.00 to $125.00
-Registry Books: $50.00 EACH
-Prayer Cards with Lamination Pre-Design **Available Upon Request** – Minimum of 8: $16.00 for 8 CARDS
-Prayer Cards with Lamination Custom-Design **Available Upon Request** – Minimum of 8: $24.00 for 8 CARDS
-Mailing of cremains via USPS Express Mail **Includes approved mailing container**: $300.00
-Placing of Remains into Keepsake Items **First 5 Pieces – No Charge**– 6 Plus: $5.00 EACH PIECE
-Scattering of cremains in Gulf of Mexico by our establishment: $250.00
-Expedite/RUSH Fee (if specific completion time required – not guaranteed): $200.00
-Assignment Fee (assignment of insurance policy proceeds, etc.): $750.00
-Obituary Hosted on Website **Email to F.H. already typed, Includes Photo**: $100.00
-Death Certificates **$10.00 per copy at Vital Statistics**: $15.00 PER COPY