Denise Lisa Murry Wishart
December 21, 1970 – December 22, 2024
Denise Lisa Murry Wishart, 54, of Tampa, Florida, passed away on December 22, 2024. A beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, daughter, niece, and friend, Denise leaves behind a legacy of love, laughter, and creativity.
Born in San Fernando Valley, CA, to Pamela Skinner (from Bermuda) and John Murry (from California) on December 21, 1970. Denise spent her childhood moving between Florida and California, eventually settling in Tampa, Florida.
In middle school, Denise met Robert Wishart. The two married on May 20, 1989, and shortly thereafter embarked on a cruise to the Bahamas. Their family grew quickly, welcoming daughters Chelsea and Amber just 19 months apart. Denise poured her heart into raising her girls and creating lasting memories with her family, whether it was birthday parties, beach days, or cruising through town with the windows down, blasting techno music. She was known for her smile, cozy homes, and pure authenticity. Denise had a long career in culinary management that she took tremendous pride and joy in.
She experienced the joy of becoming a grandmother at the young age of 38 when JD was born, and again at 40 with Noah. Denise cherished her role as “Grandmama,” teaching her grandsons to crawl, walk, and talk. In 2024, she lovingly welcomed her third grandson, Jacob, into the family. Denise was meant to be a boy Grandmama!
She is survived by her husband, Robert Wishart; daughters Chelsea Williams (Jeffrey), and Amber Wishart Walpole (Rob); grandchildren JD and Noah Williams, and Jacob Walpole; her mother Pamela Skinner; sister Shannon Carson; brother Christopher Campbell; nephews Angelo Santos, Preston Carson, Kai Carson, Jaxon Campbell; niece Brielle Campbell; longtime partner Kenny Schulman and their beloved pets Luca and Charli.
Denise was preceded in death by her father, John Charles Murry; her stepfather “Grampy” Jack Campbell; her Uncle Tom Murry; and her cherished fur babies Sophie and Chi Chi.
Denise’s impact on those around her will never be forgotten. Whether through her creativity, nurturing nature, or bold & unapologetic personality, Denise’s love was pure & unconditional. Though her time with us was shorter than expected, she leaves behind a beautiful family, and incredible memories filled with laughter and love.
A celebration for Denise will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2025, at one of her favorite places, Ballast Point Park in Tampa, Florida.
Growing up together we became more like sisters than cousins. All the childhood memories (even the childhood bickering) will always be here in my heart ❤️.
I wish I could say sorry to you with a big hug and kiss. One thing you did teach me is tough love isn’t the right kind of love. Denise I hope you know how much myself and others truly love you. RIP MY BEAUTIFUL SISTER
Christopher campbell
I will truly my sister for who she was as an outstanding mother and sister who deeply loved us. I feel as if she was the glue to our family. Denise taught me so much and I will cherish my moments with her forever. Denise raised me and took care of me for all my childhood and Iam grateful for that . My sisters legacy will live forever. I love you “Neecy”
Christopher Campbell
My sister Denise was more of a mother to me rathan than a sister. She raised me as of one of her own and I will forever be thankful for her. My sisters gave genuine love to anyone who needed it. Denise was an amazing mother to all of us. I have so many childhood memories that I will forever cherish. She had a special way of making everyone feel loved and welcomed. I love you “NEECY”
Sierra Fernandez
Beautifully written for a beautiful woman. Denise (Nieci, to me) is a part of so many memories from my childhood and hilarious memories through my adult life… from the killer instincts of her tiniest vicious dogs to her infectious laugh and our smoke breaks. Her presence was bold and loving simultaneously. She always reminded me that she was present for my earth side debut, almost every time I seen her lol! I looked forward to catching up with her at every Wishart/Williams/Walpole event and I’m heartbroken that I’ll be missing her at every one of them from here on out. What a privilege it was to know and be loved by this woman. To my Wishart’s, I love you guys so much. You’re all in my prayers. See you later Nieci! I love you 🩷
Shannon Carson
My beautiful sister – I don’t really know what to say. I love you and I’m angry you are gone. I love you. 💕
Tammy Wishart Breckenridge
Oh my heart hurts. Remembering all the times my beautiful sister in law walked into my life with strength and courage and her beautiful smile. She was with me when I had my sixth son. I was exhausted and she held him up for me to kiss. She always jaut somehow knew when to be gentle and when to let her warrior side out. I learned to find my own strength from her when we were in our twenties. She also knew how to have fun. She just lives so boldly. I see her so strong when I look at those amazing girls Chelsea & Amber Kay. I was blessed and honored to call her sister. Rest well Denise.
I remember first meeting Denise and her dog Chi Chi. We had a great conversation laughs. I worked with her Sister, Shannon. Shannon definitely loved her sister and always bragged about how beautiful she was. Denise was definitely beautiful. She will be was loved and admired by her family and will be missed.
Why has the Lord taken you from us so early?! I loved you before I loved you then and I’ll Love Always ❤️
Julia Staples
I visit Chelsea and Jeffrey a lot and Denise would always come by to say hello Aunt Julie. The last time I stayed with them we all went to Cracker Barrell and she was so so happy to be with her family, I believe it was mothers day. I was so happy they included me. She raised 2 wonderful girls, I hope I can help them through this. Denise would be good with that I’m sure. Love that family.
Bonnie Campbell
My thoughts and prayers are with Denise’s family during this sad time. It is difficult to hold onto and difficult to let go of those who leave life too soon.
Elizabeth Wagoner
“In Lieu of Flowers” by Shawna Lemay
A few years ago I read a friend’s father’s obituary on Facebook. His father had requested in lieu of flowers, please take a friend or loved one out for lunch.
Although I love flowers very much, I won’t see them when I’m gone. So in lieu of flowers: Buy a book of poetry written by someone still alive, sit outside with a cup of tea, a glass of wine, and read it out loud, by yourself or to someone, or silently.
Spend some time with a single flower. A rose maybe. Smell it, touch the pedals.
Really look at it.
Drink a nice bottle of wine with someone you love.
Or, champagne. And think of what John Maynard Keynes said, “ My only regret in life is that I did not drink more champagne.” Or what Dom Perignon said when he first tasted the stuff: “Come quickly! I am tasting stars!”
Take out a paint set and lay down some colors.
Watch birds. Common sparrows are fine. Pigeons, too. Geese are nice. Robins.
In lieu of flowers, walk in the trees and watch the light fall into it. Eat an apple, a really nice big one. I hope it’s crisp.
Have a long soak in the bathtub with candles, maybe some rose petals.
Sit on the front stoop and watch the clouds. Have a dish of strawberry ice cream in my name.
If it’s winter, have a cup of hot chocolate outside for me. If it’s summer, a big glass of ice water.
If it’s autumn, collect some leaves and press them in a book you love. I’d like that.
Sit and look out a window and write down what you see. Write some other things down.
In lieu of flowers,
I would wish for you to flower.
I would wish for you to blossom, to open, to be beautiful.